ENC 1102-Professor Wolcott
When previously dealing with frames, I was taught that a frame was a way in which you see things, such as your point of view. In this situation, framing is a way to organize incompatible influences to further support your argument. Nonetheless, the previous way I was informed and the new way are similar; they are both a way to describe the writer’s perspective in their case. When writers write, their purpose is to have their readers have a “one way” perspective, which is the author’s outlook.

      According to Greene, framing is “letting the reader know how you want them to see things,” meaning that sometimes, framing influences people’s perceptions. When you change the frame of a picture or idea, you change how the reader thinks. Based off of Greene’s article, writers change their pieces to make certain aspects stand out and make a greater impact.

      Greene list four reasons to frame your argument which includes naming the position and distinguishing the way you think about the world, offer a definition and a description of your argument, framing your argument allowing readers to respond and organizing your thoughts. He explains that framing can assist reader’s knowledge of an excerpt with these beneficial reasons.

Greene, Robert. "Argument as Conversation." The Subject Is Research: Processes and Practices. Portsmouth: Boyton/Cook, n.d. 145-55. Print.

Why Greene?

Robert Greene’s article taught me that framing is someone’s point of view and the way in which you see situations. His article is important because it lists four reasons to frame your argument to make it more effective and beneficial for the reader. I chose his passage because it was one of the last discussion posts and demonstrates my improvements over the course.
Understanding the concept of framing allowed me to pull out pieces of important informative from mass arguments and state the main points within the conversation. This article is informative because knowing how to frame will support me in future literature assignments.


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